Meet Ben

Thank You

Hello, Hello, Hello! I am Ben Brown and firstly I want to thank you for your interest in politics. I think it is so neat when citizens actually do their research and do all within their power to learn about their candidates. And here you are, on my website, reading about all that I want to do in the legislature.   Thank you, and hopefully I can make your job in researching a little bit easier.

A Little History

I’m not just a college kid who ran into Ames from out of state. I was born in Ames, and I’ve spent my whole life within its vicinity, growing up on a farm 20 miles north of here. Both of my parents worked in Ames as I was growing up and my grandparents live here. So whether it was following my mom to work, or spending the weekend with grandma and going to her church here in town, or packing my friends into a car and driving up for the old mall dollar theater, Ames has always been home.
So naturally, at 17 when high school graduation came around, rather than bumbling around not knowing where I was going in my life, the answer was quite clear: Iowa State University. Being close to home, having affordable tuition, and possessing superior academics compared to so many other public universities matriculation at Iowa State was a clear choice. I enrolled at ISU in the fall of 2012 as an agricultural biochemist and remained as such until I graduated in May 2016, picking up a minor in economics along the way. As planned from the beginning, I continued my adventure at Iowa State as a graduate student in biochemistry, where I am now.

And so, I not only incorporate the perspective of a long time resident of Ames, but I also carry with me the perspective of a college student who knows the rigors of academia.

Why the Interest in the State House?

You might be wondering why a biochemist is involved in politics. An easy answer might be books.

I’ve always loved books, spending many an hour in a tree or at my desk engaging the mind. My free time consists of reading thick old volumes of Shakespeare and Tolkien, and the classics which are the bedrock of our economic philosophy, such as Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, and political philosophy such as Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. As a schoolboy, it was always my personal challenge every year to see how far I could get in the school’s history textbook.

This love of books, and my choices of reading naturally led to a love of contemplating the biggest challenges and questions in life, and I love sifting through the weightier topics of life such as incorporating both justice and mercy in life and government and church.

I enjoy discussing topics like these with those who disagree with me, not because I’m an easily angered and argumentative person (I’m not), but rather because I like to be challenged to think, and I love to challenge how others think. In discussing controversial topics, I always try to play Devil’s Advocate, whether my companions agree with me or not, so that I can achieve this very purpose. My goal is not to win an argument, but rather to seek truth. Sometimes that means I’m learning, other times teaching, but all the time seeking the overarching truth or solution of a matter.

The Heart of Politics

And this is my heart in the matter, not that a particular party wins enough seats to constitute a majority because they picked a school of thought and argued it more effectively than anyone else. My heart is to see intelligent conversations incorporating both sides of the aisle to write legislation for the good of all people, fair, good, and equitable.


This is not to say that I am open to everything, drifting about on the seas of thought, tossed about by every new wind and wave coming my way. Every man has a worldview, the perspective through which he sees and judges life, and I am no different. There are many layers to a worldview, and I hope you will read through and make your own judgments as you see my philosophies on life and governing.

The foundation of my worldview from which every other aspect comes is that I am a Christian. I love the Bible and deeply desire to know and love the Word of God more and more. This is the Truth from which all others come. I have devoted my life to knowing the whole breadth of the Word of God, inside and out, because through it I know Truth. It is from this that I will not back down, and to this I will submit. Regularly do I look at political situations in today’s world and think through what scripture says about similar things. Sometimes I find that my philosophy stands in opposition to the scriptures, in which case I submit and change my philosophy.

I believe that the government’s primary job is to mediate between men, to punish the wrongdoer, and to reward honorable conduct. In other words, the government is there to maintain the freedoms of its citizens so that no one else takes advantage of them.

I firmly stand in a conviction that the state’s tax dollars are the people’s tax dollars, and want to write the budgets accordingly, knowing that I would be acting as a steward of the people’s money.


Again, I want to thank you for your interest in politics! Please read through some of my issues and be sure to register to be reminded when and where you vote.

I’ll see you at the polls on November 6, 2018!


Benjamin C. Brown